
The Causes And Cure Of Tinnitus

The causes of tinnitus are endless and it can be hard to identify the exact problem. It is difficult to measure tinnitus because it is usually only heard by the person suffering from it. Unless, that is, you are dealing with objective tinnitus which is when the doctor can also hear the annoying buzzing or ringing sound. There are a number of tests that they can perform but your best bet is to discover what the cause of your tinnitus is, then it will be easier to cure or at least help.

The first thing to consider when diagnosed with tinnitus is whether it is subjective tinnitus or objective tinnitus. Subjective tinnitus is a much more common than the objective form. Objective tinnitus only affects few people compared to subjective tinnitus. If you have a ringing, roaring, buzzing, or swooshing sound in your inner ear and your doctor cannot hear with a professional instrument then you have subjective tinnitus. If your doctor can hear the buzzing or ringing coming through his listening device then it is objective tinnitus.

Subjective tinnitus is the most common form of tinnitus and is usually the one of the two that is less serious. The most common cause of the subjective form of tinnitus is hearing loss due to the aging process. If the inner ear has had extensive exposure to loud speakers or equipment the hearing loss could set in at a younger age.

Tinnitus usually sets in around fifty or sixty. The age that tinnitus sets in is dependent upon the amount of trauma the inner ear has endured over the duration of your life. If the trauma to the inner ear has been extensive and in excess, then the tinnitus that accompanies hearing loss may set in at a younger age. If tinnitus does set in at a younger age there is a possibility that it could be something more serious.

Loud noises are a cause for a large percentage of people suffering from tinnitus. This is why it is recommended to wear earplugs while working around loud obtrusive noises, attending loud concerts, or surrounding you with other traumatic noises.

A cure of Tinnitus?

Cure For Tinnitus Geoff BarkerTinnitus researcher, Geoff Barker, writes, "What if I told you there was a simple, easy way to stop that ringing in your ears and finally listen to NOTHING!"

He continues by telling how he, "tested over 60 different treatments that are supposed to help Tinnitus. I devoted 2 years to my research."

And do you know what I found? I found 11 brilliant techniques that drastically helped reduce and completely stop the ringing in my ears.

I tested these secret techniques on 40 people who also had Tinnitus. (My subjects were aged between 19 and 76, both male and female)

After 2 weeks I checked the results. Of the 40 subjects 32 reported that their Tinnitus symptoms had either stopped, or been drastically reduced, the other 8 reported a slight improvement stating that the ringing noises happened less frequently."

Geoff now helps people with tinnitus on his website where you will find more information about his techniques.

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